y":"Table name can not be empty! Please provide a name for your table.","to":"To","purchaseCodeInvalid":"The purchase code is invalid or it has expired","activation_domains_limit":"You have reached maximum number of registered domains","activation_envato_failed":"It seems you don't have a valid purchase of wpDataTables","envato_failed_powerful":"It seems you don't have a valid purchase of Powerful Filters for wpDataTables","envato_failed_report":"It seems you don't have a valid purchase of Report Builder for wpDataTables","envato_failed_gravity":"It seems you don't have a valid purchase of Gravity Forms integration for wpDataTables","envato_failed_formidable":"It seems you don't have a valid purchase of Formidable Forms integration for wpDataTables","pluginActivated":"Plugin has been activated","pluginDeactivated":"Plugin has been deactivated","envato_api_activated":"Activated with Envato","activateWithEnvato":"Activate with Envato","unable_to_deactivate_plugin":"Unable to deactivate plugin. Please try again later."}; /* ]]> */